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Kristen Stewart Compares Being Photographed to Rape

Kristen StewartIt’s no secret Kristen Stewart hates her fame. She talks about it in almost every single interview she does. But none of her previous statements of her rejection of  celebrity compares to this wallop of disgust:

“The photos are so … I feel like I’m looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can’t handle it.”

There’s not much point of railing on this quote for too long, because it’s so obviously disgusting. But I think we’d all be willing to bet ten trillion dollars that if Kristen Stewart had actually survived a sexual assault, she’d realize posing for photographs on red carpets and having her picture taken at an airport every now and then isn’t so atrocious.

That’s it. Now go about your day, and try to forget the likelihood you’ve inhaled the same air particles as this person. 

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Source: NYDailyNews

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