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Russell Brand donates comedy gig proceeds to Manchester bomb blast families

Funnyman Russell Brand has donated the proceeds from a comedy gig to an anti-Islamophobia organisation fundraising to help families of the victims of Monday’s (22May17) terror attack in Manchester, England.
Brand has handed over his fee for performing in Southport, England on Monday night to Mend (Muslim engagement and development), revealing he’s struggling to understand the actions of a suicide bomber who killed 22 people as they left an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena.
In an Instagram post Russell has urged his followers to “stay true to love and try to be strong and kind”, adding, “There will always be people in the world that find a flag under which to express unfathomable cruelty.”
“I cannot understand it. There are too many things I love to abandon my life to hatred, starting with my girlfriend and daughter all the way to places I’ve been and unthinkingly enjoyed, like Manchester.”

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