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‘Gilmore Girls’ Fans, Get Your Coffee At Luke’s Diner — Today Only!

If you’ve ever watched an episode of Gilmore Girls, you know that Luke’s Diner is the coffee mecca. It’s the best, most wonderful place to get coffee in the whole of Stars Hollow (and maybe even the world). 

If you’ve been dying to try some of Luke’s famous brew, or maybe just munch on some classic diner fare, October 5th is your one and only chance. Netflix is partnering with 200 coffee shops nationwide to transform them into Luke’s diner for the 16th anniversary of Gilmore Girls.

Coffee shops all over the country will be giving out free coffee in special Gilmore Girls-themed sleeves until noon. For the full list of participating locations, visit Stars Hollow’s website.

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There’s no word on exactly how much the cafes have embodied Luke’s, but we’re expecting rude service by a grumpy flannel-clad dude who gives us what he wants to serve us. We wouldn’t really expect anything less.

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