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Barack Obama Wins the 2012 Election: Happy With the Results?

ALTWhat a long, strange trip it’s been. It’s going to be hard to imagine a world without political ads, elephants, donkeys, Romney cheers, Obama jeers, and vice versa. It’s hard to believe it’s all over, isn’t it? But it is! Election day has come and gone, and after record-busting voter turnout, the nation has spoken: Barack Obama is POTUS once more. Democracy in action, America!

This election was a far from friendly one, but regardless of all the vitrol, one thing remains true: we made history today. Either way, it was inevitable. Either the country’s first African American president would’ve been elected to a historic second term, or the first Mormon man would’ve been elected. Both things show a deviation from the presidential status-quo, and points to a diversification to the American dream. Anyone really can grow up and become the leader of the free world, if they believe in it and themselves.

Say what you will, but the freedom of the American dream is something we should all be proud of—it’s what sets us apart from so much of the world. Freedom of press, freedom of religion, the freedom to choose who runs this country. We should never take those inalienable rights for granted. If you voted today, your voice has helped move this country forward by simply involving yourself in our democratic process. You’ve voiced how this country should set the groundwork for its future. For your children and your children’s children. And it’s a beautiful thing.

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Are you happy with who won? Just generally glad the election’s over? Take our poll and sound off in the comments!

<a href=”http://polldaddy.com/poll/6669634/”>2012 Election Reaction</a>

[Photo Credit: WENN]

Follow Alicia on Twitter @alicialutes


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