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“Harry Potter” Tops 2004 Movie Blunders

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban contains four times more mistakes than any other films released in 2004, according to Web site MovieMistakes.com.

Fans spotted 232 continuity errors, actor mistakes and even cameras in the $760 million third installment of the Harry Potter series.

These blunders include the moment Snape catches Harry in school at night and takes him to Lupin’s office, which is bright and sunny. Another embarrassing error occurs when Harry and Hermione travel through time–she tells him it’s half-past seven, but the clock strikes the bells for the hour.

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The Top 10 2004 movies with the most mistakes are:

(1) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 232

(2) Spider-Man 2: 64

(3) Troy: 41

(4) Miracle: 38

(5) Kill Bill Vol. 2: 37

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(6) Eurotrip: 35

(7) Van Helsing: 34

(8) Starsky & Hutch: 33

(9) The Day After Tomorrow: 33

(10) Along Came Polly: 31

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