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Piers Morgan & Alec Baldwin in Twitter feud over Birdman

Outspoken newsman Piers Morgan and actor Alec Baldwin have clashed on Twitter.com over Oscar nominated movie Birdman. Journalist and TV personality Morgan upset the 30 Rock star when he took to Twitter.com on Thursday (15Jan15) and criticised Oscar voters for giving Michael Keaton’s acclaimed movie the most nominations, calling it the “worst movie I’ve seen in the past year”.
He went on to call the members of the Academy “complete halfwits” for voting for the film.
Baldwin spotted Morgan’s tweets and responded, “There you again, PM. Exposing ur (your) ignorance of what goes into a film. The acting in BIRDMAN is among the best this year.”
Never one to back down from a fight, Morgan then tweeted, “All the great acting in the world can’t make a self-indulgent, tedious film less self-indulgent or tedious.”
Appearing on U.S. news show Access Hollywood Live on Friday morning (16Jan15), Morgan revealed he has since had a private chat with Baldwin, who told him, “If you have a positive thing to say, you say it publicly; if you have a negative review you keep it private.”
Making sure to have the last word, the proud Brit then said, “In England, if you have a positive thing to say you keep it quiet; if you have something negative to say, you scream it from the rooftops!”

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