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Shatner Buys Facility for Women

“Star Trek alum William Shatner, 69, has purchased a house that will serve as a “sober living” facility in remembrance of his late wife, Nerine, who died in an alcohol-related accident 18 months ago.

“I wanted to salvage some meaning out of all that experience,“ the actor told the Associated Press. “I thought the best way to do that would be in Nerine’s name to help other people.” The Nerine Shatner Friendly House will be an 11-room residential facility devoted to women recovering from alcoholism.

Nerine Shatner, a former model, drowned in the couple’s swimming pool in August 1999. Shatner discovered his wife in the pool upon returning to their home. An autopsy later indicated that she had hit her head on the bottom of the pool while diving and revealed that her blood alcohol level was 0.27 percent, which is more than three times the legal limit for driving.

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Shatner has spent the last year rebuilding his personal and professional life. He recently married for the fourth time on February 13 and co-starred with Sandra Bullock in the comedy “Miss Congeniality.”

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