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Stars honour vegan sanctuary

Wendie Malick, Fred Willard and Ally Sheedy were also among the guests at the star-studded 25th anniversary of the Farm Sanctuary, the leading farm animal protection organisation in the U.S.

The animal-loving stars dined on a three-course vegan dinner at the Cipriani Wall Street restaurant in Manhattan, before Roberts, Feldman and Sheedy all got up on stage to champion the vegan bosses behind the Farm Sanctuary.

Gene Baur, co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, says, “This is as much a celebration as a recognition that we are in the midst of a major awakening about the food we put in our bodies and what it means for the world around us.

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“Twenty five years ago I couldn’t have predicted the profound effect Farm Sanctuary would have on how our society views and treats farm animals. We still have a long way to go and events like this are important milestones on the road to renewing our empathy and compassion.”

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