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Who Had The Best Halloween Costume on ‘New Girl?’

New Girl, Max GreenfieldGreg Gayne/FOX

Last week’s New Girl found the loftmates celebrating Halloween a week early. The party was, needless to say, a bit of a mess (though not as much so as Schmidt’s hellacious office party from a few weeks ago). Antics aside, all of the roommates (plus Cece, of course) had very…well, interesting costumes. Let’s take a look, ranked worst to best.


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Oh, Cece…I know you just had your heart broken, but that has got to be one of the lamest costumes ever. A cheetah bralette and a pirate hat? What is that supposed to be? A catty pirate—I mean, is that even a thing? Maybe I’m missing something here.


Okay, so to be fair, Nick tried even less than Cece, but at least his laziness forced him into a bit of originality: his costume consisted mainly of a rainbow beach towel (secured oh-so-classily with a piece of duct tape) and an old “happy birthday” crown. He dubbed it, “The Paper Mountain Trash King.”


Are we really surprised that Jess would have a completely obnoxious costume? It’s even worse than Shelby’s “Reigning Cats and Dogs” bit from season 2: Joey Ramone-a Quimby. Pure insufferability. Though she does get points for the adorable bob (maybe Ms. Pantene Spokesperson can be the next starlet to make the chop).


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So as much as everyone teased him for his David Letterman costume (Schmidt thought he was Maya Angelou), it was actually pretty spot-on. He got the shaggy gray wig just right, and the gold, wire-rimmed glasses? So pitch-perfect I got chills.


Is it really any surprise that Schmidt had the best costume of the bunch? He went as a “public serpent”—basically, he wore a skin-tight (would we expect anything else from our favorite douchebag?) lizard costume, and paired it with a snazzy purple tie. Only Schmidt has the confidence to make himself look that ridiculous—and that is why we love him.

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