Every Supernatural fan has their favorite character (Castiel excluded, since he wins every time) and ours is Sam Winchester. Dean might have good taste in music and an excellent smolder, but when it comes down to comparing the brothers, Sam > Dean. Big brother does not always know best.
1. If season 10 proves anything, he is an extremely dedicated brother:

2. His brother actually means everything to him:

3. He’s funny, even if it’s kind of in a dark way:

4. He is the logical brother:

5. He’s a better runner than Dean:

6. He handles being made fun of really well:

7. He takes special care to protect everyone:

8. Dean has the smolder, but Sam has the smile:

And we all know a good smile is more important.
9. His shows off his abs:

Why is Dean always covered up?
10. He went to hell, lost his soul, but you can bet your ass he didn’t cry about it for like 3 seasons:

*cough* Dean *cough*
11. He asks the important questions:

12. He has the sassiest insults:

13. He isn’t just sass and good looks, he’s actually pretty inspirational when times get tough:

14. He cares about what he puts in his body:

How has Dead made it to his thirties with all that pie and cheese?
15. When he’s made a mistake, he genuinely feels terrible about it:

Unlike Dean, who has always seemed to care when it’s far too late, if he cares at all.
So sorry dearest Dean (Jensen Ackles) we love you. You’re still a better Winchester than John!
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If you think Dean is the better Winchester, state your argument in the comment section below!