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Extremely Low Budget Meals If They Were On ‘Top Chef’

We’re used to seeing some pretty gourmet stuff on Top Chef, but not all of us are blessed with those type of culinary skills. Most of us are so busy that sometimes we scrounge together dinner from a couple of stale nacho chips, a hot dog and plain pasta. Hey, grocery shopping is an undertaking, and we don’t always have time to do it!

But what if we really cared about our low-budget, thrown together meals? They could be something beautiful (probably not that tasty,  but beautiful nonetheless). This photoset from Postize shows low budget meals as if they were being presented on Top Chef.  They’re pretty spectacular.

This mac & cheese might basically be Kid Cuisine, but it’s for high class kids only.

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mac n cheese

This 7/11 corndog  looks like something we wouldn’t actually be ashamed to eat other than at 3 a.m. when we’ve drank too much.


Who knows if bacon and ramen really go together, but why not?

hot dog



Nothing like that bodega dinner — but this is a four star, Michelin rated bodega guys.


Checkout the rest of the photoset on Facebook.

How do you feel about these low budget, high class meals?

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