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‘The Simpons’ Are Super Bummed They Predicted Trump’s Presidency

Last week after Trump miraculously won the presidential election despite losing the popular vote, Simpsons fans everywhere remembered the uncanny moment when the TV show predicted the unfortunate win 16 years ago.

In the 2000 episode, Bart flashes forward to age 40 and Lisa is the president. She briefly mentions something about cleaning up the economic mess left by President Trump before Bart busts into the Oval Office looking for a job.

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No irony is lost on The Simpsons, whose writers gave a shout out to their unfortunate prediction in the opening sequence of Sunday’s episode. In the sequence, Bart is shown writing the words “being right sucks” on the chalkboard as if he’s punished for predicting what happened (which let’s be honest, The Simpsons and pretty much the whole of America, are).

Can The Simpsons write an episode where Trump is miraculously out-voted from presidency and a certain woman like Lisa (or maybe our girl Hillary) takes over? We’d like that to come true, too.

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