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The Situation Voted Off ‘Dancing With The Stars’

Last night on Dancing With The Stars, The Situation was voted out of the competition and sent back to the house MTV provided for him. In the clip below, from the moment he learned he was leaving, he seems like he’s going to be a good loser and not cause too big of a scene…he even told Brooke Burke that if he got eliminated, he was going to “bow [out] gracefully,” which he took very literally and helped us take our eyes off his pigeon toes for a split second. But it was after he was eliminated where the reports say he really began to act like he was just told he wasn’t tall enough to ride.

Us Magazine reports The Situation was spotted sulking after the results show and smoking a cigarette while an admirer who was masquerading as a friend tried to console him. He also said, “I don’t know what their deal was. I really don’t know. I was upset. I actually stormed off upset because I tried so hard. I really did. I changed my haircut, I don’t know.” He also remarked, “Once I landed all those lifts and the judges were trashing me? I’ll be honest with you, it was in one ear and out the other. In the back of my head, I knew those lifts were extremely hard. I tried my best, and if they didn’t see it and wanted to be negative, so be it.” But he seems to be focusing on the wrong people. The judges didn’t vote him off the show — we did! Oh, glory to you, misdirected anger. How well you carry yourself throughout history!

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Source: Us Magazine

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