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Need a good cry? Watch this new Angelina Jolie movie.

Movies aren’t just for entertainment–sometimes, you just need a good cry–and there’s nothing wrong with that!

Grab the tissues and get ready for Angelina Jolie to make you cry in her latest role.

The Maleficent celeb takes on a new role voicing an ailing, elderly elephant Stella in the new Disney+ film, The One and Only Ivan.

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Angelina Jolie has made entertainment news headlines over the years for her humanitarian efforts, despite her villainous role, and has even called for more wicked women in the world. This A-list celeb’s career proves that part of being a wicked woman is enchanting others with more than just looks, but a strong will and an independent mind.

The family-friendly film is based on a book of the same name by Katherine Applegate, telling a true story about a silverback gorilla who was brought to America from Africa in the 1960s and kept in captivity – in a 14 foot by 14 foot enclosure no less – for 27 years.

A modern day Homeward Bound, The One and Only Ivan is a live-action adventure story starring circus animals voiced by some of your favorite entertainment celebs. Sam Rockwell plays Ivan, Danny DeVito is a mut, Chaka Khan is a chicken and Helen Mirren plays a poodle – with Bryan Cranston as the circus ringmaster.

While Breaking Bad celeb Bryan Cranston masterfully filled the role as ringmaster, we love to look back and remember how he played the best dad ever in Malcolm In The Middle.

Disney’s latest masterpiece lends human voices and emotions to the often overlooked tragedy of wild animals trapped in confinement for human entertainment. You’ll laugh and you’ll cry in this heartfelt saga about a gorilla and his animal friends who just want to be free.

This movie is out now exclusively for Disney+ subscribers. Watch it here.

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