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TV Rewind: ‘Entourage’ Seeks Millions; Love Is Blind on ‘The Hills’; Wes and Casey Fight Exile on ‘Fresh Meat’

To Be Or Not to Be Aquaman
Vince is in a bit of a pickle on this week’s Entourage. While he finally lands his dream role, playing drug lord Pablo Escobar in the film Medellin, the folks over at Warner Bros. want to get started right away on the second installment of the Aquaman, which will conflict with Vince’s Medellin gig. Plus, the studio isn’t too keen on their squeaky clean superhero playing a murdering drug lord. What to do, what to do? How about ask for $20 million to play Aquaman to make up for ditching his dream role? Unfortunately for Ari, he shows up late to the meeting and misses Vince’s power play, which he undoubtedly would have tried to talk Vince out of. Meanwhile, Turtle has managed (with a little help from Vince) to finally jumpstart his rap artist Saigon’s career, and even got Ari to represent him. It’s about time Turtle got some Hollywood love. Let’s hug it out, bitches!

The Hills’ Lauren Realizes History Has a Bad Way of Repeating Itself
Poor Lauren. The girl is having a tough time juggling school, work, and her love life, and her boyfriend Jason has no qualms about making her suffer for it. After almost completely ignoring her the night before at his birthday party (where, by the way, he was a real ass), Jason shows up the next day at Lauren’s school to make sure she isn’t mad at him about the previous night’s events. He doesn’t say he’s sorry, mind you, but Lauren “forgives” him anyway. It looks like the relationship will make it–at least one more episode. In the meantime, Heidi and Jordan are celebrating their HUGE six-month anniversary, but sadly, Heidi has to work her first night in the club the same night. After a quick anniversary dinner where Heidi gets a nice pair of earrings, it’s off to the club, where Heidi gets into trouble talking to an ex, right in front of Jordan. This anniversary may be there last as the ride home is silent.

Fresh Meat’s Wes and Casey May As Well Sleep in Exile
For the fourth time in a row, Wes and Casey are voted into exile. One wonders, if you keep sending them in, and they keep coming back, there obviously not going anywhere. If you ask me, it’s about time to send another couple in–Tina and Kenny, perhaps? But no, it’s Tonya and Johnny who have to face Wes and Casey. After a huge uproar, Tonya makes it very clear she thinks the exile is not based on merit, but on the fact they all hate her (and who could blame them?) And in due course, Tonya and Johnny are sent packing, with Wes and Casey emerging victorious once again. Good luck to anyone who has to go against those two, as I predict they may just win it all. You heard it here, first.

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Keep Your Eyes Peeled
The One, ABC’s answer to American Idol–which lets you follow the singers around, promising more drama–airs July 18. Also, check out VH1’s World Series of Pop Culture, airing every night this week at 10 p.m.. Trust me, for all you pop culture junkies out there (myself included), this is way better than Jeopardy. And if you haven’t watched Hell’s Kitchen, Monday nights at 9:00 on FOX, you are really missing out.

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