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Daniel Radcliffe Does Stand-Up: Late Last Night

Daniel Radcliffe joined Jimmy Fallon on Late Night and displayed his horrible, horrible stand-up skills. But, hey, at least he was a good sport about it and I won’t lie, I thought the joke was pretty funny. (Harry Potter is still dumb, though — YEAH, I SAID IT.)

Christina Aguilera talked with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show about what it’s like to work on The Voice. She also admitted that she makes mistakes, like forgetting the lyrics to the national anthem. Yeah, remember when she did that? Remember how freaking ridiculous it was? Sorry Christina. People don’t forget.

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Bill Maher chatted with David Letterman about Donald Trump and how the amazing part about his presidential run isn’t that he’s running, but instead, that people are actually believing it. Bill Maher: America’s Voice of Reason. Maybe he should take a shot at the presidency? Actually, no, that would be horrible.

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