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Natalie Portman On ‘Black Swan’ Weight Loss: Late Last Night

Last night, Natalie Portman told David Letterman about when she was filming Black Swan and she dislocated her rib, which really just means it went under another one. And to top that off, she had he trailer taken away when she complained that there wasn’t a medic on set.

Taylor Swift told Leno about the curse that is straightening your hair and having no one recognize you at the American Music Awards.

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And Dane Cook did his damndest to follow Taylor Swift on Leno’s couch by telling a story about how scary it was when a tire on his tour bus blew up, and crazy things entered his mind like terrorists suddenly knowing about North Dakota and the atrocity it would have been if he tumbled into the Grand Canyon without Clint Eastwood being there to verify that it happened.

Nobody interesting was on Fallon last night, so watch this and learn how to play karate piñata…as I promise you your boyfriend’s mother will want to play with you.

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