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‘The Following’ Baddie Warren Kole Talks Sex, Killing, and Sexual Killing

The Following Joe and Roderick Warren Kole James Purefoy

You know like, how whenever you stab or strangle someone to death it’s totally erotic and you get this insane sexual connection with the person standing beside you? No? Well, The Following‘s latest and greatest Follower, Roderick (Warren Kole), knows this all too well. And this weird, innate heterosexual serial killer bro bond with head honcho Joe Carroll (James Purefoy), and the power struggles that come with it, are about to make things very complicated over at Follower HQ.

“When it comes to killing — we’d explore it more if it wasn’t a network show — it is a very sexual payoff for serial killers,” Kole says. “[For] men who like to kill women, when they do it together, there has to be some sort of implied sexuality there, that they’re both experiencing together — a twisted threesome. There’s a deep intimate connection between [Joe and Roderick]. James and I play with it. Two men who kill together — there’s got to be a shared sexual experience there, somewhere.”

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However, all of the shared experience in the world won’t make it easy for Roderick to completely give in to Joe’s power. “Once [Roderick] realizes that he doesn’t have the power he’s had now that Joe is back, he’s going to have to take a backseat,” he says. “The real star has showed up. He doesn’t feel the same celebrity that he used to feel. So he goes back to Mama, so to speak, and tries to feel something passionately. That’s through violence, and strangling the life out of someone. Trying desperately to get some sort of feeling out of the world.”

According to Kole, in order for Roderick to remain in line, Joe’s going to have to work to make him feel important. “Either Joe can build up Roderick and make him feel like an equal, or Joe can slowly make sure that Roderick knows he’s the man in charge now,” he says. “He’s calling the shots and Roderick needs to fall in line. There’s going to be a problem here — but how is it going to resolve itself? There is some obedience training that might happen in the future. These guys butt heads a bit.”

Which completely makes sense, when you remember that they’re living in a world where ego and chaos reign supreme. “This is a household for schizophrenics and psychotics and narcissists and sociopaths,” Kole says. “The rules are very tentative. They want to play house and get along and everybody has their objectives, but they’re all ultimately selfish in what they want. That includes Roderick.”

RELATED: ‘The Following’ Star James Purefoy on Serial Killers and ’70s Porn

This selfishness may eventually lead to struggles with Joe’s other number one Follower, Emma. “If [Roderick] realizes that Joe has special relationships, he might leverage those relationships so that he can have a little more insurance in the household — like Emma,” Kole says. “That’s how the game is played. None of these people are fair, deep down. There’s going to be some devious behavior.”

How devious, you ask? Extremely, according to Kole: “We would rival Jersey Shore for bad behavior,” he says with a laugh.

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Murderer Jacuzzi orgy, anyone?

Watch The Following Mondays at 9PM on FOX.

Follow Shaunna on Twitter @HWShaunna

[PHOTO CREDIT: Giovanni Rufino/FOX]

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