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Was Justin Guarini’s Life ‘Damaged’ by ‘American Idol’? He Thinks So

Wait, who? Our thoughts exactly. As a little refresher, Justin Guarini was the runner up behind Kelly Clarkson in the first season of American Idol. (He was the overeager, curly-headed individual who bopped around stage.) In this clip of his upcoming interview on ”Oprah: Where Are They Now?”, Guarini claims that American Idol was a life ruiner. 

Credit: Joseph Marzullo/WENN

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According to the almost pop-star, he experienced deep depression after the show. His potential career never lifted off after the release of From Justin to Kelly, which was one of the worst movies ever made. That was followed by his debut album Justin Guarini which flew completely under the radar. A flop that Guarini credits towards being pulled in different artistic directions and therefore resulted in the album being “inauthentic”. 

Hmm, it seems to us that From Justin to Kelly  was his downfall not American Idol.  Tune into OWN on Aug. 11 to find out the rest of the reasons why Guarini’s career ended before it started


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