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10 Fictional Politicians We Wish Could Run For Office In 2016

As momentum begins to build over the 2016 United States Presidential election, there’s already a healthy buzz surrounding Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, and Chris Christie. While we wait for real-life candidates to dig into campaigning, it’s only natural to think about our favorite fictional politicians and their potential to win by a landslide (if they actually existed).

1. Deputy Director of the Pawnee City Department of Parks and Recreation Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation


Beyond cheerful, energetic, positive, and hardworking, Leslie works for the little people. That is something that would serve our country well in times of financial distress, as well as charming the pants off of adversaries.

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2. Prime Minister of Britain David, Love Actually


A prime minister who can easily fall for a commoner and find the average citizen endearing and worth fighting for? Yes please! It also doesn’t hurt that he’s a total babe.

3. Vice President Selina Meyer, VEEP


Selina’s quick wit and no nonsense attitude would likely get things in Washington moving at lightning speed. Plus, her megalomaniac nature will keep her cool, confident and undeterred by those who don’t support her leadership.

4. President Thomas J. Whitmore, Independence Day


President Whitmore is a badass who successfully saved planet Earth from an invading army of aliens and never lost his perfect coif while doing so. Do we really need anything more from a President?

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5. President Frank Underwood, House Of Cards


He’s underhanded, conniving, cunning and charming all at the same time. If there was ever a President who could pull the wool over the eyes of the world and make everything look peachy, it’s Frank Underwood.

6. President Laura Roslin, Battlestar Galactica


President Laura Roslin is a female leader who was able to rise in the ranks of respect thanks to her influence over powerful men. In a male dominated government, it would be wise to employ her to the position of Commander in Chief to lead our country and keep it strong.

7. President of the United States James Marshall, Air Force One


Any president who has the guts to fight off terrorists aboard Air Force One to save themselves, their family, and additional hostages is sure to get a few votes to sit in the oval office.

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8. President Tom Beck, Deep Impact


When a seven mile long comet is headed toward Earth, with the possibility of wiping out the human race, tough decisions need to be made and President Tom Beck was the one to make them. A president who can keep their cool during any worldwide crisis of that capacity is one who deserves to sit in office.

9. President Josiah “Jed” Bartlet, The West Wing


Battling Multiple Sclerosis while leading the United States and working to create peace in the Middle East is awe-inspiring and commendable beyond words. With a little comic relief thrown in the mix, there’s no doubt we could feel safe under his leadership.

10. President Andrew Shepherd, The American President


Popular, good looking, and able to put matters of the heart on the same level as important political issues, President Andrew Shepherd is the kind of person who would be able to lead America to continued prosperity and happiness.

17 Of the Greatest Things Leslie Knope Has Ever Said

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