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Sweet Little Lily Will Say The F-word on ‘Modern Family’

Cam and LilyDid you know there is an alarmingly high number of pictures of toddlers giving the camera the middle finger out there on the interwebs? Well, there are. Because little kids are curious. They want to say and do everything mommy and daddy do – even when it’s something that is bleeped out or blurred out on national television. With that in mind, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that Modern Family, the leading series in making the reality of family life funny, would take a little stab at this topic with the increasingly rebellious Lily.

Mitch and Cam’s growing toddler has already had an issue with hitting, and now she’ll explore the world of curse words with one of the biggies. Lily will utter the F-word on next week’s “Little Bo Bleep” episode, but we’ll only see her mouth it – obviously ABC isn’t keen on landing themselves an enormous FCC fine in order to hear that little four-letter profanity. The crux of the curse word will be that her parents worry she’ll utter the no-no word at an upcoming wedding, so they attempt to rid her of the habit. But according to EW, creator Steve Levitan said they had some trouble convincing ABC to let the show go there:

“We had to really convince ABC. We thought it was a very natural story since, as parents, we’ve all been through this. ABC will tell you Modern Family gets away with a lot, because I think it’s all about context. We are not a sexually charged show. It has a very warm tone so people accept it more. I’m sure we’ll have some detractors.”

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I can see why ABC was a bit hesitant, but it’s probably in their best interest not to question the comedy that quite literally swept the Emmys in 2011. Besides, what parent hasn’t dealt with a young child with a bit of a potty mouth? The series and the network may incur some ire from more conservative fans, but the series is all about giving a true take on the American family experience, and this plot point is one of those awkwardly hilarious issues that Modern Family is so great at exploring.

Do you think having Lily curse is going too far? Or is it an important learning step for little ones?

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Source: EW

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