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‘Dancing With The Stars’ Endures An Anthrax Scare

Dancing With The Stars Season 13 Kristen and Mark BallasSomeone, somewhere with access to envelopes, stamps and innocous white powder is really unhappy with Dancing With The Stars. So unhappy, that they used one of those stamps and one of those envelopes to send that innocuous white powder to the ABC series in a threatening manner so that production would have to endure a minor road bump while a hazardous materials team tested the innocuous white powder to make sure it wasn’t anthrax — which it wasn’t.

In fact, minor speed bump is even a bit of an overstatement. The envelope never made it from the mailroom to the set of DWTS, so production was not interrupted at all. No one was injured or made sick, and I don’t even think the show’s feelings were hurt by the gesture. In addition, it wasn’t even the first time the show endured this sort of temporary “scare.” Last year, in November, another envelope filled with something that looked like anthrax but was actually totally harmless was sent to the series just before the finale. It also barely even knicked the production.

It’s all just a little odd if you ask me. What are these people thinking when they send these baby powder letters? (To be clear, we don’t what the powder actually was, but I figure baby powder fits the harmless bill.) Maybe it’s because they’re concerned about contestants being chaffed by their polyester costumes? Maybe it’s anti-slide powder for the dance floor? Maybe it was powdered sugar for their Apple Jacks? Maybe it was dry shampoo to help with that post-practice greasy hair issue? We’re going to choose to believe it was misguided kindness instead of the more likely story that it was misguided threatening behavior. How hateful can someone be about a two-hour show where shiny people dance and smile? Chill out, anonymous letter-sender.

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Source: EW

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