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‘SNL’ With Steve Buscemi Takes on ‘The Dark Knight Rises’


Batman SNLThis weekend, Boardwalk Empire’s leading man, Steve Buscemi took to the SNL stage, and for the most part played on his ability to look creepy for most of his roles. While he’s undoubtedly great at that sort of self-depreciating humor, the most entertaining use of Buscemi had to be the Digital Short. (I know, I was surprised too.) Since “I Just Had Sex,” the Digital Short has been a segment most of us approach with groans and disdain, but this week, they took on a behemouth: Batman. With Andy Samberg in the titular role and Buscemi taking on Gordon, the short pokes fun at the characters’ often codependent relationship. I love Batman just as much as the next nerd, but sometimes, seeing someone take a shot at something as untouchable as Gotham’s Dark Knight is pretty tickling. 

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