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‘Entourage’ Season Three: Ep. 35 “Less Than 30”

It’s Vince’s birthday, and Amanda, his hot new agent, has two gifts–courtside tickets to a Lakers game and an offer to star in an adaptation of an Edith Wharton novel. The basketball game ends up being somewhat awkward since Vince sees Ari across the court, but responding to Amanda’s enthusiasm for the Wharton script, Vince expresses interest in taking the project.

Seeing Vince at the game reopens Ari’s wound from losing his star client and he begins a campaign to woo back Vince. He sets up a “friendly” birthday meal with Vince and presents his gift: the news that “Medellin,” Vince’s dream project, is once again available. Amanda denies that “Medellin” is still in play, but the seed of doubt has been planted in Vince’s mind.

Meanwhile, Turtle and Drama have been tasked with planning a birthday party for Vince. The party is huge, with scores of Hollywood players in attendance–including both Ari and Amanda, who face off in front of Vince. Eventually Ari retreats but not before his mission is accomplished; Vince decides to back burner the Wharton project, just in case “Medellin” really is available. Now, he has to tell Amanda.

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