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‘Better Off Ted’ Creator Heading To Suburbia With New Show

FrescoIf you missed out on Better Off Ted, shame on you. What was one of the funniest and smart television shows of the past three years (hell, five years) was regretfully seen by too few too late. Luckily, it is available for streaming on Netflix which you should be doing right now.

Also, the show’s creator, Victor Fresco (BEST NAME EVER), has started developing a new show centered around suburban life called Sunnyside. If he can bring the same wit and charm to the suburbs as he did to the business meeting, I’m watching this show from start to finish. The unusual thing about this show, for Fresco at least, is that it is an adaptation of a Swedish television show Solsidan. Which honestly sounds like something Veridian Dynamics would create.

Also: this is the best picture I could find of Fresco and all things considered, I had to include Portia de Rossi to balance it out.

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Source: Vulture

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