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‘Entourage’ Season Four: Ep. 44 “The First Cut Is the Deepest”

Ari is happy to see his favorite client, Vince, back from a trip to Italy. But things aren’t looking so good for the “producer of a jungle quagmire.” It’s been three months since Medellin wrapped, and no one has seen a cut of the film yet. Walsh, the director, is being his pain-in-the-ass self again and won’t it show anyone. Meanwhile, no one will hire Vince until they see Medellin. The problems the boys had on the set with Walsh have spread throughout the town and if the film turns out to be a disaster, it could have a “Gigli effect” on Vince. Yikes.

Vince and Eric assure Ari everything is cool, because they are suppose to view the film that day. But when they get to Walsh’s editing room, it doesn’t look like the director is ready to share it with anyone just yet–and demands three extra weeks to finish the project. Eric goes ballistic and demands to see the movie–NOW. So Walsh pretends he has to take a leak, and escapes on a motorcycle, film in hand.

The boys go to Walsh’s house and talk to his girlfriend. Apparently, she and Walsh’s mother watched the film and the mother soured it, sending Walsh into a tailspin. Later, Eric gets reamed by Vince’s accountant because the Aquaman star is dead broke. There’s no more money. Vince and E have got to find Walsh.

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Meanwhile, Ari has a problem at his son’s potential new school. Mrs. Gold is royally peeved that their son, Jonah, hasn’t been accepted, even though their daughter is a legacy. Apparently, Jonah hit another kid with a ruler during the evaluation. Ari tells his wife he’ll straighten everything out. After running around, trying to get some answers, Ari finally corners the headmaster—and discovers the real reason why Jonah isn’t getting in: The school doesn’t want to deal with the bombastic, cell-phoning talking Ari for another 12 years.

Turtle and Drama are throwing a party for Vince’s return–at Drama’s new pad. Drama wants a small “get together,” but it quickly spirals  into a full-blown party. Drama is none too happy to have all those people over, so he takes precautions to ensure  the condo doesn’t get trashed. Guests will have take off their shoes, won’t be allowed to sit on his brand new couch, and no one can use the bathroom (he’s got a coded lock on it). It’s folding chairs and Port O Potties. Once the party starts rocking, Drama is a mess–and once Vince exits, Drama kicks everyone out. The party is reconvened at Vince’s hotel room–and the antics eventually get the entourage kicked out of the hotel. Gotta go crash at Drama’s pad–for now–but it will be nice to have the entourage all under one roof again. 

The reason Vince left the party is so he and Eric can go see the film, after E finally convinces Walsh its for the sake of Vince’s career. “What does Vince need to do to see the film?,” Eric asks. Walsh replies, “He needs to be gentle, suit.”

So they go and watch Medellin. Vince loves it, but Eric thinks it SUCKS. Uh-oh.

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