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Friday: ‘Dazed and Confused’

[IMG:L]Dazed and Confused — 11:45/10:45c on Encore

If you’re not out and about tonight, there’s no real excuse to not watch Dazed and Confused.

And if it’s not the first time you’ve seen it, even better!

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Richard Linklater’s masterpiece is the gift that keeps on giving: The more you watch it, the funnier it is. 

Jason London plays the lead, Randall, in what turned out to be the high–no pun intended–point of his career (thus far).

The supporting actors, though, are the true gems here, from back in their much younger days: Matthew McConaughey as a Southern perv; Ben Affleck as the proverbial “that guy” you want to kill; Adam Goldberg as the proverbial “that guy” you want to root for; Rory Cochrane as the best burnout character this side of Cheech and Chong. The list goes on.

But it’s Linklater, at his absolute best, who adds the perfect touches, eliciting the best nostalgia for all high school alums, no matter who you are or where you went.

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