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Show Review

The 55th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards went off without a hitch, with hardly a disparaging remark–unless you were running for governor of California. The myriad of comedians co-hosting/co-presenting–Garry Shandling, Brad Garrett, Wanda Sykes, Jon Stewart, Ellen DeGeneres, Conan O’Brien, Martin Short, Darrell Hammond, George Lopez, Bernie Mac and Dennis Miller–each had their own particular style.

Garry Shandling started things off by telling everyone how fabulous he looked. “The guys from Queer Eye For the Straight Guy would show up to my house, take one look at me and say, ‘He’s perfect. No notes.'”

Wanda Sykes wandered the aisles and made fun of the audience members. “Look here at Larry David…Larry, you’re supposed to be such a curmudgeon, but look at ya in your suit and tie…you’re happy as hell as ever to be here, aren’t ya? If you were a real curmudgeon, you’d come, pee on the red carpet and leave.”

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The Daily Show‘s Jon Stewart obviously had a more political slant to the evening. After showing the audience just how ridiculous real news can be, he asked, “What can you tell me about Hispanic Muslims? Are they nocturnal?” Then winning the coveted best variety, musical or comedy series award, beating giants such as David Letterman and Jay Leno, Stewart declared, “It was such a great war for us!”

All in all, everyone was on their best behavior–except perhaps My Wife and Kids star Damon Wayans, who made a very off-color joke about Everybody Loves Raymond‘s Dolores Roberts and her age. What was that all about?

Here a few of the best quips, quotes and highlights of the evening:

“Wow, I was just delivered on a Lazy Susan!”–Garry Shandling, as he enters the stage.

“Now, you’ve reached the Hispanic Muslim part of the show….I’m the Lopez you aren’t sick of.”–George Lopez

“Congrats to Dave Letterman for having a baby…I have a kid in Somalia that costs me 39 cents a day. What a pain in the ass he is; now he wants 42 cents for some video game. They always test you.”–Garry Shandling

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“What the hell am I doing here? I’m not even nominated…I should be home, going, ‘What? He shouldn’t have won!’ Instead I’m here, saying, ‘What? He shouldn’t have won!’ right into this microphone.”–Wanda Sykes

“Thank you, Geraldo, for keeping the poop out of our pants.”–Jon Stewart

“What the hell has happened to television?…Where are the people from CBS? Just wanted to tell you Yes, Dear is still on the air.”–Darrell Hammond as Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

“Your applause means so much more to me than winning,” —Martin Short–who added, “As David Gest said to Liza Minnelli on their wedding night, ‘No hard feelings.'”

To those poor gubernatorial saps, especially Arnold Schwarzenegger…

Darrell Hammond, who came onstage as Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I’m glad to see they’ve found a room that fits all the candidates running for governor of California.”

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“In this current political climate, there is going to be 139 Governor’s Balls,”–Garry Shandling–who added, “I don’t think all the candidates even know what they are running for, they just heard there’s a part available.

“You guys seriously thinking about Schwarzenegger? That’s too bad. You know if he sucks, you can’t send for someone from the future to replace him, although he’s probably waiting for that.” —Jon Stewart

What about those darn reality shows?

“I’m here to present the best reality program and I love reality shows!…They say this year is going to be the hardest Survivor ever. Oh my God! I hope they survive!…But what about Survivor in East L.A.?”–George Lopez

“This year, the winners aren’t actually winners. We’ll follow them home and tell them they are losers. See how they react.”–Garry Shandling.

Extreme Makeover takes an ugly-ass person and in an hour, they are beautiful. Isn’t that what a six-pack is for?”–Lopez


Other Notable Highlights

  • Garry Shandling commented how the Emmys wasn’t going to go for sensationalism, like on the MTV Music Video Awards when Madonna kissed Britney Spears. Just then, a deadpan Brad Garrett came out and planted a nice, long smooch on Shandling, who then remarked, “CBS, he’s worth every nickel.”
  • To follow suit, presenter Matthew Perry planted a nice, long smooch on Dolores Roberts after she won the Emmy for best supporting actress in a comedy series. “That was worth coming up here all by itself,” Roberts swooned.
  • An embarrassing Sykes tried to work audience member Bill Cosby into a bit, but apparently he didn’t want any part of her banter.
  • On winning the award for best writing in a variety, musical or comedy series for his show The Daily Show, Stewart quipped, “I’ve always felt that diversity is key in a writing staff. Steve here has a beard and John isn’t Jewish.”
  • On winning his award for supporting actor in a comedy series, Brad Garrett began, “Thank you, Jon [Stewart]. Why don’t you jump on my back and we can reenact a scene from Seabiscuit.”
  • Conan O’Brien prepared to do a big splashy musical number to “That’s Entertainment!” but was told the number had been cut from show for lack of time. Dejected, he walked slowly to the microphone, his tap shoes tapping on the stage.
  • In her own unique way of free associating, Ellen DeGeneres started, “Variety is the spice of life,” but quickly segued way into the fact she doesn’t really like spicy food. “Fennel tastes like licorice. I had a turkey sandwich last week that I loved but then I found out it had fennel in it, so there you go.” She then informed the audience that the Japanese were watching the show, adding that while the Japanese did like their variety, they may not necessarily have liked spicy food. Brilliant.
  • Martin Short launched into a song, honoring the losers. “We toast to your shame…to the losers, future substance abusers, your careers are dead!”
  • For the most tearful and heartfelt acceptance speeches, the prizes went to Sopranos‘ Joe Pantoliano, who won best supporting actor in a drama series; Monk‘s Tony Shalhoub, who won for best lead actor in a comedy series; and Whose Line Is It Anyway‘s Wayne Brady, who won for individual performance in a variety or music program. Real men do shed tears.

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